Terms of Use

Money.com.au Pty Ltd ABN 40 664 954 536


This website at money.com.au (Website) is operated by Money Pty Ltd (ABN: 440 664 954 536), an Australian Credit Licence holder (384704) (Money Pty Ltd, we, our or us). Please read these Terms carefully.

Terms of Use

1 – Acceptance

1.1 These Terms and Conditions (Terms) govern your use of our Website. Our Privacy Policy and Credit Guide form part of these Terms and are incorporated into these Terms by reference. By accessing and/or using the Website you indicate that you accept these Terms and :

  • warrant to us that you have reviewed and understand these Terms;
  • agree to use the Website in accordance with the Terms.

1.2 You must immediately cease using the Website if you do not agree to the Terms. We may, at any time and at our discretion, vary these Terms by publishing the amended Terms on our Website. We recommend you check our Website regularly to ensure you are aware of our current Terms. Your continued use of the Website after any variation to our Terms will be deemed to be your acceptance of our amended Terms.

1.3 If we amend the Terms during the period that your Profile Questionnaire has been lodged but has not yet been processed or accepted by us, the amended Terms will not apply to you and the Terms which were in effect at the time (and to which you agreed) will apply. ‍

2 – Our Services

2.1 The Website provides comparative information on a wide range of finance options in Australia. The consumer credit products compared on the Website are not representative of all products available in the market.

‍2.2 We do not provide credit assistance or suggest you apply for, remain in a credit product to increase your credit limit with a particular credit provider. We do not assist you to apply for a particular credit product. Our Website is an introductory Website only and our responsibilities are limited to facilitating the referral to a Lender. None of the information on this Website takes into account your objectives, financial circumstances or needs.

‍2.3 The comparative information on our Website and the rates displayed are subject to change. Full terms and conditions of the consumer credit products should be obtained from the relevant Lender.

‍2.4 If you decide to apply for a consumer credit product, you will deal directly with the Lender. You will be required to sign a loan agreement in order to enter into a credit product with the Lender. If there is any inconsistency between the loan agreement and these Terms, the loan agreement will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

‍2.5 Lenders are not our employees, contractors or agents and we are not a party to any loan agreement between you and the Lender and have no control over the conduct of Lenders.

2.6 You may withdraw your Profile Questionnaire at any time without penalty by advising the Lender.

2.7 Our Website also provides information regarding life insurance, solar and other industries. The information we provide to you is factual information only and not representative of all products available in the market.

2.8 We do not provide any financial product advice, or assist you to acquire any life insurance product. Our Website is an introductory services and our responsibilities are limited to providing your contact details to our life insurance partner. None of the information on this Website takes into account your objectives, financial circumstances or needs.

2.9 We may receive fees or other benefits in relation to the activity on the Website. We may receive referral fees for successful referrals to a Lender as a consequence of a consumer acquiring a credit product. For further details, please refer to our Credit Guide. We do not guarantee that any referral will be appropriate or suitable for you. Any referral should not be regarded as financial advice and we encourage you to seek advice from a qualified financial advisor.

3 – Prohibited Conduct

3.1 You must not do, or attempt to do, anything that is unlawful; anything prohibited by any laws which apply to our Website or which apply to you or your use of our Website; anything which we would consider inappropriate; or anything which might bring us or our Website into disrepute, including (without limitation):

  • impersonate another person or entity or falsely state your affiliation with a person or an entity;
  • create a false identity in your Profile Questionnaire;
  • misrepresent, in any way, yourself by providing false, incomplete and/or misleading information in order to obtain finance from a Lender;
  • falsely misrepresent your age, employment, personal circumstances or financial circumstances;
  • anything that would constitute a breach of an individual’s privacy (including uploading private or personal information without an individual’s consent) or any other legal rights;
  • using our Website to defame, harass, threaten, menace or offend any person;
  • interfering with any user using our Website;
  • tampering with or modifying our Website, knowingly transmitting viruses or other disabling features, or damaging or interfering with our Website, including (without limitation) using trojan horses, viruses or piracy or programming routines that may damage or interfere with our Website;
  • anything that might violate any local, state, national or other law or regulation or any order of a court, including, without limitation, zoning and tax regulations;
  • using our Website to send unsolicited email messages; or
  • facilitating or assisting a third party to do any of the above acts.

3.2 If you engage in any prohibited conduct, as defined in section 3.1, in completing the Profile Questionnaire, the information provided in relation to any consumer credit products, including but not limited to the applicable interest rate, is subject to change or become unavailable.

‍3.3 You are prohibited from using our Website, including the information and materials available on it (Content), in any way that competes with our business. If you breach this term, we will hold you responsible for any loss, damage or expense, howsoever arising, whether direct or indirect and/or whether present, unascertained, future or contingent (Liability) we suffer, and hold you accountable for any profits that you may make from non-permitted use.

3.4 We make no representation or warranty as to the availability of the Website or that your access to the Website will be uninterrupted or secure.

4 – Collection Notice

4.1 We collect personal information about you in order to enable you to access and use the Website, to provide our Services, to contact and communicate with you, to respond to your enquiries and for other purposes set out in our Privacy Policy.

‍4.2 We may disclose that information to third party service providers who help us deliver our Services (including Lenders we have a referral arrangement with, other service providers such as brokers or intermediaries, life insurance partners, affiliated product and service providers and external product and service providers for whom we act as agent, other organisations who in conjunction with us provide products and services, information technology service providers, data storage, web-hosting and server providers, professional advisers, payment systems operators, the Document Verification Service (DVS), credit reporting bodies including Equifax and our business partners) or as required by law. If you do not provide this information, we may not be able to provide our Services to you. In certain circumstances, we may disclose your personal information to third parties located, or who store data, outside Australia.

4.3 You acknowledge and agree that we and the following listed entities may contact a credit reporting body to access your credit report as an access seeker under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth): a. Plenti Pty Limited ABN 29 161 376 638

‍4.4 Our Privacy Policy contains further information about: (i) how we store your personal information; (ii) how you can access and seek correction of your personal information; (iii) how you can make a privacy-related complaint; and (iv) our complaint handling process.

‍4.5 By providing personal information to us, you consent to us collecting, holding, using and disclosing your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

‍4.6 This clause 4 will survive termination of these Terms. ‍

5 – Intellectual Property

5.1 Unless otherwise indicated, we own or licence all rights, title and interest (including intellectual property rights) in our Website and all of the Content. Your use of our Website and your use of and access to any Content does not assign to you any rights, title or interest in relation to our Website or the Content.

‍5.2 We grant you a non-exclusive, royalty free, revocable, worldwide, non-transferable licence to use our Website in accordance with these Terms. All other uses are prohibited without our prior written consent.

‍5.3 You must not, without our prior written consent:

  • copy or use, in whole or in part, any Content;
  • reproduce, retransmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, broadcast or circulate any Content to any third party; or
  • breach any intellectual property rights connected with our Platform, including (without limitation): altering or modifying any of the Content; causing any of the Content to be framed or embedded in another website; or creating derivative works from the Content.

5.4 This clause 5 will survive termination of these Terms. ‍

6 – User Content

6.1 You may be permitted to post, upload, publish, submit or transmit relevant information and content, including Reviews (User Content) on our Website. By making available any User Content on or through our Website, you grant to us a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free licence to use the User Content, with the right to use, view, copy, adapt, modify, distribute, license, sell, transfer, communicate, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast, access, or otherwise exploit such User Content on, through, or by means of our Website.

‍6.2 You agree that you are solely responsible for all User Content that you make available on or through our Platform. You represent and warrant that:

  • you are either the sole and exclusive owner of all User Content or you have all rights, licences, consents and releases that are necessary to grant to us the rights in such User Content as contemplated by these Terms; and
  • neither the User Content nor the posting, uploading, publication, submission or transmission of the User Content or our use of the User Content on, through or by means of our Platform will infringe, misappropriate or violate a third party’s intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy, or result in the violation of any applicable law or regulation.

6.3 We do not endorse or approve and are not responsible for any User Content. We may, at any time at our sole discretion, remove any User Content. ‍

7 – Warranties and Disclaimers

7.1 To the extent permitted by law, we make no representations or warranties about our Website or the Content, including (without limitation) that:

  • they are complete, accurate, reliable, up-to-date and suitable for any particular purpose;
  • access will be uninterrupted, error-free and free from viruses; and
  • our Website will be secure.

7.2 You read, use, and act on our Website and the Content at your own risk.

‍7.3 The Content is not comprehensive and is for general information purposes only. It does not take into account your specific needs, objectives or financial circumstances and does not constitute advice. While we use reasonable attempts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the content, to the extent permitted by law, we make no representation or warranty regarding it. The Content is subject to change without notice. However, we do not undertake to keep our Website up-to-date and we are not liable if any Content is inaccurate or out-of-date.

‍7.4 You further acknowledge and understand that we are not party to, or responsible for, your relationship with the Lenders and you should conduct your own due diligence to assess a Lender’s suitability for your financing needs.

‍7.5 This clause 7 survives termination of these Terms.

8 – Limitation of Liability

8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for any Liability suffered by you or any third party, arising from or in connection with your use of our Website and/or your use of our Services and/or any interaction you have with Lenders whether in person or online, and/or any inaccessibility of, interruption to or outage of our Website and/or the fact that the Content is incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date.

‍8.2 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you must indemnify us, and hold us harmless, against any Liability suffered by us arising from or in connection with your use of our Website or any breach of these Terms or any applicable laws by you. This indemnity is a continuing obligation, independent from the other obligations under these Terms, and continues after these Terms end. It is not necessary for us to suffer or incur any Liability before enforcing a right of indemnity under these Terms.

‍8.3 This clause 8 will survive termination of these Terms. ‍

9 – Termination

9.1 We may immediately suspend, terminate or limit your access to and use of the Website if (i) you breach the Terms, any applicable laws, regulations or third party rights or (ii) if we have received complaints about you from Lenders.

‍9.2 You may stop using the Website at any time for any reason.

‍9.3 We may stop making the Website (or any part of it) available without prior notice. If we do this, any Profile Questionnaire that we have accepted will not be affected, subject to the Terms. ‍

10 – Disputes

10.1 In the event of any dispute arising from, or in connection with, these Terms (Dispute), the party claiming there is a Dispute must give written notice to the other party setting out the details of the Dispute and proposing a resolution. Within 7 days after receiving the notice, the parties must meet at least once to attempt to resolve the Dispute or agree on the method of resolving the Dispute by other means, in good faith. All aspects of every such conference, except the fact of the occurrence of the conference, will be privileged. If the parties do not resolve the Dispute or (if the Dispute is not resolved) agree on an alternate method to resolve the Dispute, within 21 days after receipt of the notice, the Dispute may be referred by either party (by notice in writing to the other party) to litigation. ‍

11 – General

‍11.1 Waiver: Any failure or delay by a Party in exercising a power or right (either wholly or partly) in relation to these Terms does not operate as a waiver or prevent a Party from exercising that power or right or any other power or right. A waiver must be in writing.

‍11.2 Relationship of parties: These Terms are not intended to create a partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between the Parties.

‍11.3 Third party Websites: Our Website may contain links to websites operated by third parties. Unless expressly stated otherwise, we do not control, endorse or approve and are not responsible for the content on those websites. You should make your own investigations with respect to the suitability of those websites.

‍11.4 Severance: If a provision of these Terms is held to be void, invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision is to be read down as narrowly as necessary to allow it to be valid or enforceable, failing which, that provision (or that part of that provision) will be severed from these terms and conditions without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remainder of that provision or the other provisions.

‍11.5 Assignment: You must not assign any rights or obligations under these Terms, whether in whole or in part, without our prior written consent.

‍11.6 Entire agreement: The Terms contain the entire understanding and agreement between you and us in respect of their subject matter.

‍11.7 Governing law: These Terms are governed by the laws of Victoria. The Website may be accessed in Australia and overseas. We make no representation that the Website complies with the laws (including intellectual property laws) of any country outside of Australia. If you access the Website from outside Australia, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for complying with these laws in the place you access the Website.

Money Pty Ltd Pty Ltd (ABN: 40 664 954 536) Email: team@money.com.au ‍Last update: 31 July 2024


Our Promise

Money Pty Ltd (trading as Money) (ABN 42 626 094 773) Australian Credit Licence 528698 provides information about credit products. Money does not compare all products or issuers available in Australia. We are not a broker or credit provider and when we provide information via this website, we are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular credit product. We may receive a commission when you apply for a home loan as a result of outbound links on this website. This material has been prepared by Money Pty Limited (ABN 40 664 954 536) (Money, ‘us’ or ‘we’). Money is a corporate authorised representative (CAR 001307399) of 62 Consulting Pty Limited (ABN 88 664 809 303) (AFSL 548573) (62C). The material is for general information only and is not an offer for the purchase or sale of any financial product or service. The material is not intended to provide you with financial or tax advice and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Although we believe that the material is correct, no warranty of accuracy, reliability or completeness is given, except for liability under statute which cannot be excluded. Please note that past performance may not be indicative of future performance and that no guarantee of performance, the return of capital or a particular rate of return is given by 62C, Money, any of their related body corporates or any other person. To the maximum extent possible, 62C, Money, their related body corporates or any other person do not accept any liability for any statement in this material. The information on this website is intended to be general in nature and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should read the relevant disclosure statements or other offer documents prior to making a decision about a credit product and seek independent financial advice. Whilst Money.com.au endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, no responsibility is accepted by us for any errors, omissions or any inaccurate information on this website. Interest rates, fees and charges are subject to change without notice. Before acting on any information, you should confirm the interest rates, fees, charges and product information with the provider. For clarity, where we have used the terms “lowest” or “best” these relate solely to the rates of interest offered by the provider and not on any other factor. The application of these terms to a particular product is subject to change without notice if the provider changes their rates.

The calculator provided on money.com.au is intended for informational and illustrative purposes only. The results generated by this calculator are based on the inputs you provide and the assumptions set by us. These results should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial product. By using this calculator, you acknowledge and agree to the terms set out in this disclaimer. For more detailed information, please review our full terms and conditions on the website. Assumptions: - The calculations do not account for changes in interest rates or other market conditions that may occur. - Results are approximations and may differ from actual payment schedules or amounts. - The calculator does not include all fees and charges that you may incur in relation to a financial product. Limitation - This calculator does not guarantee the availability of any financial product or the accuracy of the calculations. Please consult a financial advisor or the relevant product provider to obtain specific advice tailored to your circumstances. - money.com.au does not accept any liability for errors or omissions, or for any loss you may suffer as a result of relying on these calculations.

Money Pty Ltd trading as Money

ABN: 42 626 094 773 / ACL: 528698 / AFCA: 83955
Money is a corporate authorised representative (CAR 001307399) of 62 Consulting Pty Limited (ABN 88 664 809 303) (AFSL 548573) (62C)

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