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Some quick questions!

We’ll search 26 lenders to give you some preliminary matches and show you how much repayments could cost you.

What is the purpose of this loan?

What's your current home loan balance?

What is your current interest rate? (Best guess is fine)


Who is your current lender?

What's your property value? (Best guess is fine)

What is your primary goal for refinancing?

What is your timeline for refinancing?

Do you live in this property or is it an investment?

How many people are on the current mortgage?

Which loan features are you looking for?

What's your expected property purchase price?

How much deposit do you have?

Which stage are you at in your home buying journey?

How many of you will be purchasing the home?

Is this your first home purchase?

Which loan features are you looking for?

How would you describe your credit history?

What's your employment status?

How long have you had this job?

How much do you earn per year before tax and super?

What best describes your residency status?

When does your visa expire?

What state do you live in?

What is the second applicants residency status?

When does their visa expire?

What best describes their employment status?

How long have they had this job?

How much do they earn a year before tax and super?

What credit rating band are they?

What is your name

What is your email address?

And your mobile number?

For your security, we will send you a 6-digit code to your mobile.

Please enter the 6-digit code I just sent to your mobile. Edit number

Thanks! We’re ready to find your rates!

All we need is your permission to verify your identity and provide you with the most accurate rates.

By submitting your email address you agree to receive marketing and product information from Mortgagebroker.com.au, which you can opt out of at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button found at the bottom of our content.

We protect your credit score

By not sharing information with lenders until we’re confident you’ll be approved.


Money.com.au Pty Ltd (trading as Mortgage Broker.com.au) provides information about credit products and is authorised to do so as the holder of Australian Credit Licence 384704. MortgageBroker.com.au does not compare every Lender in Australia. We are not a broker or credit provider and when we provide information via this website, we are not providing you with a recommendation or suggestion about a particular credit product. When you apply for a credit product via the MortgageBroker.com.au website, you are not applying with us, you are applying directly with a Lender Partner. Before entering into any credit product from one of our Lender Partners, you should confirm the rates and product information with the Lender. All information on this website is general advice only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether this advice is right for you and we encourage you to seek independent financial advice.